Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Rain, Rain, Rain!

Snow gave way to rain - and a very slushy drive to Dundee.

First an early appointment with My Weekly magazine - published by the venerated published DC Thomson here in Dundee. We met the My Weekly features team and their charming photographer Gordon, and the Comforts gave an interview all about the ups and downs of life as a cocoa farming woman in Ghana, for an article due out in May.

Our next engagement was a Fairtrade Celebration reception at Dundee's City Chambers, hosted by Lord Provost John Letford JP, and organised by Alison Anderson. There was a really good turn out in the grand hall, flanked by huge protraits of past Provosts, and impressive stained glass. Amongst the audience were Shona Robison MSP for Dundee West, local retailers and wholesalers, members of the council and the local Fairtrade Forum, and the head of Tayside Police - who was very committed to Fairtrade. After hearing from Comfort K and Comfort A there was some brisk business, with several enquiries about selling Divine in canteens, and to the catering trade.

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