Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Queen Mother lives on…

Inverness has been fantastic, and we are sorry to leave. As usual, the two Comforts have made a big impact from opening fashion shows, entertaining school kids to reducing the Oxfam Area Manager to complete hysterics - they even convinced our lovely guesthouse to convert to Fairtrade.

Over a breakfast of Scottish FuFu (see previous blog post) Comfort ’s Kwaasibea told us that her home town in Ghana wants to bestow on her the revered position of ‘Queen Mother’. This is the highest position in the village which comes with perks and privileages, but Comfort is running scared from the rules and responsibilities.Apparently laughing and eating in public is deemed inappropriate for the Queen Mother. Also the Queen Mother should only talk to people through special intermediaries. Anyone who knows Comfort, will know that these three rules alone are totally unfeasible! But in the long car journeys and waiting between functions/events, we have been winding Comfort Kwaasibea up by calling her ‘Nana’ (the name for Queen Mother in Ghanaian Twi language), opening doors for her and generally being as subservient as possible. Nana is loving it!

As Fairtrade Fortnight draws to a close, the two Comforts and the Divine Chocolate team are feeling a cocktail of emotions - sadness, relief and a heavy dose of exhaustion! Comfort Kwaasibea and Comfort Asara-Kwabi have become a major part of our lives over the last two weeks and it will be such a loss when they are gone. However, we are hoping to be invited over to Ghana to the Coronation of the next Queen Mother…

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