Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

In search of FuFu!

Just like we might hanker after a ‘proper’ cup of tea when we are away from Blightly, the two Comfort’s cannot stop thinking about their FuFu! Conventional west African FuFu is made by boiling starchy foods like cassava, yam, plantain or rice, then pounding them into a glutinous mass, usually in a giant, wooden mortar and pestle.

We are trying our level best to find FuFu replacements for the Comforts…with varied success! The Tarka Dall from a Tandoori in Inverness was left untouched last night. But this morning we might have struck gold
with a good old fashioned bowl of Scottish Porridge (or Scottish FuFu as it has been renamed!)

The two Comfort’s are on great form in our grand tour of Scotland. We have just returned from a trip to beautiful Ullapool, where the Comfort’s wowed the audience! Comfort Kwaasibea is really pleased to see that s
he has own clothing label in the UK. She keeps noting ‘CK’ printed on t-shirts!

1 comment:

Sarah Mackenzie said...

Ah! You are the divine chocolate ladies. I was in Ullapool just recently, visiting my parents who live by the beach on your right (the other side of the little pier) and I was sorry to miss your visit being a big fan of chocolate and Ghana and Togo. I hope that your visit went well and that you enjoy your stay in Scotland. And I hope it doesn't rain too much. I am also glad that you have discovered Scottish fufu! We were brought up on that but sadly my sone now refuses to eat it. Anyway, the best of luck. Have fun.