Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Sunday, March 19, 2006


We drove from Perth to Aberdeen with the help of a take away curry car picnic. I'm terrified of driving but Nana was very reassuring. Nana and Sister Comfort sang us some beautiful hymns as we drove, one of which they'd taught me. When Natasha and myself struggled with Come by ya and 10 green bottles the ladies decided sleep was a safe option.

After a night in a bed which Nana decided was fit for a queen. We headed to breakfast for our usual fayre of Scottish fou fou(porridge). Nana wanted some sugar and there was much hilarity after having dismantled the salt grinder into her tea she discovered it was salt.

Today our only official engagement was a phone interview at 5.30. So the day was their's to shop with. Aberdeen had some great charity shops. In Oxfam we even found a dutch a man who spoke Twi. Both ladies found some "effe paa" fine clothes. I think my favourite was Nana's retro 60's turquoise suit for £5. After all that shopping and since it was St Patricks day we went for a cheeky Guiness before heading back to pack and wait for the interview. A fish and chip supper with some Ghanaian sauce, a good chat, and we were already for bed.

The Fair Trade Fair at Aberdeen music hall was a hugesuccesss. The event was packed with thousands of people. All keen to sample Divine chocolate and the other Fairtrade goods on offer and be inspired by the Fairtrade fashion show. The local children, who'd been learning about Fairtrade asked the producers questions on what life is like for a cocoa farmer and how Fairtrade had changed their lives. The high point for me was hearing Comfort and Comfort sing their Fairtrade song again, truly beautiful. As one onlooker commented later what a voice!

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