Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Grand Divine 2006 Cocoa Farmer tour!

We're delighted to announce that two cocoa farmers, Comfort Kwaasibea and Comfort Asare-Kwabi (I think it will have to be Comfort K and Comfort A from now on!) have arrived safely in the UK and are busy acclimatising, ready for the start of the Fairtrade Fortnight tomorrow.

First stop Teddington - and after making sure they've both got something warmer to wear - we're all off to Tesco to marvel at the crazy amount of choice we British have, and buy a few essentials - tights, toothpaste, soap etc.

Then we popped into to the local Oxfam so they could see all the Divine and Dubble on offer. I explained to the two young girls manning the till that these were two of the farmers who grow the cocoa for Divine, and in unison they said "You mean they're from Kuapa Kokoo? We learned about it at school!!!" What a result! The Comforts ask whether everyone in the UK knows about Kuapa Kokoo. "Not everyone.... but they will soon!" I say.

(NB in the pic you can see both Comforts sporting some rather natty hats we spotted in Oxfam)

Comfort K has been to Britain before, but for Comfort A - this is all a totally new experience. She can't decide what's the biggest surprise....she lists the "nice buildings, nice cars, nice roads, nice lifts!"


Anonymous said...

We've had some Divine chocolate at school we all loved it.We shall all be going to the shop this week to buy some.
from Alana Ysgol Borth y Gest.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the UK, Comfort K. Welcome for the first time, Comfort A. Good luck with the tour, and may the weather gods smile on you! Look forward to hearing how you get on, who you meet and the hopefully many lighter moments / events en route.
Akwaaba again the two Comforts.

very best wishes,
