Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Thursday, March 09, 2006

If it's Tuesday it must be the Treasury

4.00pm prompt on Tuesday and we were being ushered inside the inner sanctum of HM Treasury with an entourage of press photographers and cameramen! The Chancellor had kindly agreed to meet up with Comfort K and Comfort A, and they had brought a fabulous piece of woven Ashanti Kente cloth to present to him, the kind usually worn by Ashanti Chiefs (+ lots of Divine and Dubble of course). Comfort Kwaasibea formally announced she was there to represent over 45000 Kuapa Kokoo farmers who were benefitting from Fairtrade, and to thank him for his commitment to fairer trade with Africa, which they hoped would continue.

It was a very upbeat meeting - and we all thought Gordon Brown was rather charming!

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