Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Glasgow Fairtrade Experience

Next stop was Glasgow for the Fairtrade Experience event organised by New Consumer magazine. It was in Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall, and we found a fantastic multi-coloured, multi-cultured market of Fairtrade goods from around the world, all doing great business with hordes of Fairtrade friendly Glaswegians. Comfort and Comfort were due on at 2.00pm so we had some time to wander around, catch up with people from Oxfam, the Co-op, the Fayre Trade people, as well as Rachel and Fiona from One World Shop, and feel extremely pleased at how many stands were selling Divine!

We were introduced by a local Councillor, Alistair gave his intro, and then Comfort Kwaasibea let rip to a rapt audience, followed by an equally animated Comfort Asare-Kwabi telling her story in Twi, translated as she went along. Then they surprised everyone by giving an impromptu rendering of a 'Fairtrade song' - complete with dance moves! They were quickly joined by two of the African musicians there for the show, for a fantastic finale to thunderous applause. Where did that song come from, I asked afterwards. "We made it up last night in our bedroom," said Comfort K.

A brief turn around the shops and we were off to Stirling for the evening event - A Fairtrade Wine and Chocolate tasting at the University. The event was a sell-out, and cheeks soon became rosy as we worked our way through a series of choice South African and Chilean wines - all now bearing the Fairtrade Mark. Alistair doubled-up in his role as wine expert, and Divine Tour leader - leading up to the main star of the evening Comfort K, who left no-one in any doubt about what their Fairtrade pound could do.

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