Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ghanian Feast

After days of searching out rice and plain chicken takeaways that Comfort Asara Kwabi (sister Comfort) could eat with pepper source brought from Ghana. We decided to let the ladies show us how cooking was done. We were pretty sure we wouldn't find yam or casava, but we tried the biggest store around just in case. For our Ghanain feast we ended up buying

4 chicken thighs,
4 tomatoes
3 onions
one garlic,
one stem of ginger
3 chillis
one chilli powder
chicken stock cube ( Sister comfort had to start again she was so upset the the taste of the veggies one.)
one tin of tomatoes concentrate
two tins of chopped tomatoes
One can of pilchards
3 green peppers.
one cabbage.
sunflower oil
1 kg of white rice
corn on the cob.

Unfortunately no cocoa yam or casava. The comment on the supermarket was that everything was already prepared, I confessed we were a lazy nation.

We headed back to my house. Where both Comforts greeted my parents with big warm hugs. After watching a little rugby, the roughness of which perplexed Comfort Asara kwabi who was pretty adament that her son wouldn't be playing it. Comfort and Comfort got going in the kitchen with Tasha and myself being pretty feeble sous chefs. We all chopped the veg, pounded the spices and then fried all the ingredients. Natasha and I were astounded at the amount of salt the Comforts used. But we figured in Ghana you probably loose a lot with the heat. Since my house is currently at Ghanain temperatures we went a long with it. The result was incredible, a meal truly fit for a queen mother.

Both Comforts seem to have enjoyed being at home. I asked Nana to stop doing the washing up as she was the guest. Nana replied "No, I am not a guest I am at home".

The only slight worry was our dog. Sister Comfort was terrified of our giant black poodle. However, after realising he was called Ben, and that what she thought was clothes were in fact his hair, they now enjoy conversations through the saftey of a window.

Today is the day for weighing the suitcases on the bathroom scales to make sure they'll be allowed on the plane.

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