Divine Chocolate Tour 2007

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's tiring work being media stars!

What a speech! Comfort Kwaasibea stole the show at the official press launch of Fairtrade Fortnight last night. Her words enthused people about the benefits of buying Divine and Dubble chocolate, and also got people laughing into their Fairtrade glasses of wine with some classic jokes! She shared the platform with amongst others Stuart Rose, the top man at Marks and Spencers who have recently announced the launch of a Fairtrade cotton clothing range. When Stuart mentioned in his speech that M&S sell Fairtrade chocolate, we all looked a bit mystified! We have been trying to get M&S to stock Fairtrade chocolate for ages, and to our knowledge they currently don't!

From public speaking to media stardom! A car picked up Comfort Kwaasibea from her hotel at 5:30am this morning and whisked her to the GMTV studios. She appeared live on
GMTV twice this morning with Harriet Lamb (Director of the Fairtrade Foundation). Comfort welcomed the heat of the studio lights, it reminded her of Ghana! She said that she was really nervous for the first interview, but Lorraine Kelly really put her at ease for the second interview. Comfort learnt by the second time round that it doesn't really matter what questions you are asked by the interviewer, you just need to tell your story - she is fast turning into a media expert! The photo shows the two Comfort's having a snooze in the Divine Chocolate office.

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